Interior communications electricians install, maintain and repair the equipment needed for interior communications within ships and shore facilities. These communication systems include public address systems, interior telephone systems, alarm systems, engine telegraphs to communicate orders for changes in engine speed from the bridge (ship's command station) to the engine room, certain kinds of ship control and equipment monitoring devices, the ship's gyrocompass, the rudder position indicator, audio-visual equipment for the ship's TV entertainment systems, advanced navigation and various other equipment.
The duties performed by ICs include:
Maintaining and repairing interior communications systems
Preparing and interpreting blueprints,wiring diagrams and sketches
Installing and inspecting dry cell and storage batteries
Recharging wet cell batteries
Testing interior communications and gyrocompass equipment
Installing telephone and other communications circuits, boxes, switchboards and bell buzzer systems
Maintaining propulsion ordering and indicating systems
Maintaining tactical plotters and dead reckoning equipment
Maintaining and operating broadcast TV and radio systems and SITE (Shipboard Information, Training and Entertainment) CCTV systems
Maintaining and repairing shipboard navigation equipment
Maintaining impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP) system
Maintaining ship's hull degaussing system
Maintaining sound powered phone system
Maintaining wind speed and direction indicator
Maintaining ship's speed indicator
Maintaining ship's optical landing aid system
Maintaining pilot landing aid television systems on aircraft carriers
Maintaining warhead/weapons storage alarm systems
Members of the Snellville Veterans Committee included Chairman Tom Witts, Snellville Mayor Pro Tem and a navy combat veteran (USS Savage).
On 24 May, 2014 at 07:30 p.m. the dedication will begin. Between 08:15 and 08:30 p.m., the eternal flame which will rest at the top of the memorial, will be lit.
The memorial is dedicated to veterans of all wars and is located in the front of City Hall on Oak Road in Snellville, Georgia. The memorial features a “Wall of Veterans,” an eternal flame, and a waterfall.