Left to right: Marvin Pendergrass, Dan Dykstra, Rich Cornall, Joe Moreno, Ed Stone, Ernie Velez, Roy Giroir, and Leon Groth
Left to right: Ron Gaillard, Fred Hochierter, Gene Hansen, Vic Belaire, Jack Smith, Ray Crumley, Dale Degler, Tommy Pridgen, Bill Wente, and Joe Moreno
Back row left to right: Linda Hansen, Irma Hochierter, Ginny Stone, Evelyne Groth, and Augie Chase
Middle row left to right: Peggy Smith, Mary Velez, Margaret Farley, Fran Dykstra, and Joann Wente
Front row left to right: Ethel Gaudet, Kathy Pendergrass, Elaine Pizzola, and Delilah Crumley